Boost Your Business Visibility and Engagement with Better Results through Professional Social Media Management Services.

  • Boost Your Brand Awareness and Engagement
  • Maximize Your Social Media Potential
  • Save Time and Effort.

Social Media Management

Achieve Profitable Outcomes on the Appropriate Channels

Is your social media endeavors not measuring up to your expectations? Nowadays, social media operates under a “pay-to-play” scheme that demands your undivided attention and resources: a comprehensive game plan, an unwavering commitment, and a well-defined budget. On top of organic outreach, achieving content visibility before your intended audience can be a daunting task without allocating resources for advertisements, be it a recurring campaign or a one-time sponsored post.

At SMride Marketing Agency, we integrate social media management services into your overall marketing strategy to maximize your online presence. The right management service on Facebook or Instagram can captivate, nurture, and transform followers into loyal customers. The social media management campaigns we have designed and supervised for our clients, small businesses, enterprises, and franchises, are living proof of its effectiveness.

Fully Managed Social Media Management

The good old days of social media when you could post a picture and watch the likes stacking up, are long gone. Today, you need a targeted strategy that’s platform-centric and engages your target audience meaningfully.

But with so many online channels, establishing a connection with your audience can be confusing. SMride specializes in creating a compelling presence on social media platforms to bridge the gap between your brand and customers.

Our dynamic team can enhance your social profile across leading social media mediums like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and TikTok.

Bespoke & Fully-managed Social Media Management

We can help your brand conquer social media

From visually stunning Instagram posts to engaging Facebook copies, our end-to-end social media management services mean that we can fulfill all your online goals by using the right platform.

Our expert team specializes in the following social media platforms:


Captivate your Audience

SMride can unlock the potential of your brand on Instagram with eye-catching posts and high-reach hashtags. Our creative team can bring your Instagram profile to life and market your brand with content that is a visual treat.


Engage your Audience

Our highly interactive Facebook campaigns can enlarge your community with targeted content that compels them into action. We can manage both, paid and organic campaigns on Facebook.


Educate your Audience

Our experts can create trending tweets with cheeky content that sparks conversations and boosts engagement on Twitter (now X). Our Twitter management services can captivate your audience with the perfect first impression.


Build a Network with your Audience

We assist B2B companies with professional and engaging LinkedIn posts to open up more networking opportunities for your business. Become an influential brand on LinkedIn and build a powerful network of prospects with SMride.


Inspire your Audience

Inspirational, creative, and informational Pinterest management services to take your brand to new heights. Our experts can create visually appealing boards and pins to create a buzz on Pinterest.


Trend among Your Audience

Make drool-worthy content on TikTok that takes the world by storm. We can help you create viral trends that showcase your brand creatively. Our quirky TikTok campaigns can generate high-volume engagement.

What do you Get with our Social Media Management Services?Benefit from our fully managed social media management services.

When leveraged correctly, social media can deliver explosive results. From gaining new prospects to garnering loyalty among your present customers, social media is a powerful tool, one that our experts know how to leverage correctly.

360° Expertise

Our fully managed social media management services include account setup to growth management and everything in between. We keep updating our content strategy to communicate with your audience more effectively.

 Targeting the Right Engagement

Simply gaining likes won’t increase your revenue. We can create an engaging social feed consistently that turns your prospects into customers. .

 Emphasis on Content that Converts

Our monthly content development strategy revolves around what’s new for your business and what it needs. We can create engaging and relevant content that broadcasts the right messages to your audience across social platforms.

 Community Management

We bridge the gap between your brand and customers by constantly responding to your customer’s queries and messages

What Does Social Media Management Entail? 

Custom Approaches That Boost Excellent Customer Engagement

As social media evolves, industry players, adhere to each platform’s fundamental purpose: the triad of connection, communication, and community. According to Sprout Social data, 57% of consumers will follow a brand’s social page to discover new products or services. That’s why brands should ensure their content fosters connection, engages in communication, and builds community instead of promoting products to users without any consideration.

This is where social media management comes in, also known as social media marketing management. It encompasses planning, crafting, and publishing content on social media platforms as part of social media marketing (SMM). Regular social profile audits and audience research are vital to provide relevant content.

At SMride, we adopt a holistic approach to managing our clients’ social media accounts to achieve success. Our social media management firm combines organic and paid solutions to yield the most effective and lucrative results.

What is Included in our Social Media Management Services?

Social media management is all about engaging your target audience in the right market. We can do this by:

  • Account setup
  • Display & cover photo design
  • Current feed analysis
  • Content monthly calendar preparation
  • Graphic design & content creation
  • Scheduling posts
  • Response to feedbacks
  • 24/7 live reporting dashboard
  • Monthly review of strategy and results

Why Businesses Need Social Media Management

Online Solutions That Make Your Brand Stand Out

As social media has become an important part of any digital strategy, businesses and marketers need to understand the importance of social media management. However, social media marketing is a complex task that requires navigating several elements to succeed across social platforms.

Social media management involves:

  • Creating an overarching strategy.
  • Posting and scheduling high-quality content.
  • Responding to customer comments.
  • Engaging with users.
  • Setting up paid advertising campaigns.

Managing all these moving parts can be challenging for small businesses, and dedicating the required resources to carry out full-scope social media management in-house may be challenging. to professional agencies or specialists. By doing so, businesses can benefit from expert strategies, advanced tools, and a team of specialists who can help them stand out in the crowded social media landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

At SMride, we help brands maximize their social strategy to reach and engage their target audience effectively. Our holistic services include developing a robust strategy, creating high-quality content, running ad campaigns, managing all social platforms, and analyzing real-time data for meaningful results.

SMride has a team of diverse experts specializing in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and more. Our tailored strategies are fine-tuned to your business and target audience, ensuring that we reach your high-intent customers where they are most active.

Choosing the right social media platform depends on various factors such as your target audience, business type, and goals. Here are some of the key considerations:

  • Target Audience

Understand their demographics, buying behavior, and interests.

  • Industry

Identify the platforms where your competitors are most active.

  • Marketing Goals

Marketing goals also play a factor in choosing the right platform. For eg. For brand awareness, Instagram and TikTok may suffice, but you need to have a presence on Facebook and LinkedIn for lead generation.

  • Resources

Managing multiple platforms can be time and resource-consuming. Ensure that you have the resources and expertise to continuously funnel engaging content on the platform you choose.

  • Evolve

Be open to new platforms and trends to reach untapped customers.

A social media management company like SMride provides a wide range of services to establish, enhance, and manage the social presence of brands on social media platforms. We offer social media consultancy,

management, and marketing services.

From publishing engaging content to monitoring results, we can also help you market new product or service launches effectively across social channels. We use social media with other forms of online marketing to maximize results for your business.

We can also advise and guide our clients to optimize their presence on social platforms. This includes content, branding, and audience communication strategies.

Lastly, we also keep track of the performance of social media and measuring ROI.

Yes. Social media ads are immensely powerful in targeting a wide audience base and driving high-volume traffic to your landing pages. We have a proven track record of successful campaigns across all social media profiles. From creating trending content to targeting your audience precisely, we ensure that you get a bang for every buck of your ad spend.

SMride takes a data-driven approach to managing social media campaigns. We keep track of essential metrics like conversion rate, engagement rate, and ROI. Our experts keep a close eye on these metrics to furnish monthly reports detailing success and areas where improvement is needed. Based on this data, we keep on optimizing the results from social media marketing.

Social media marketing can significantly benefit local businesses. By creating location-specific content and setting up geo-targeting, you can be visible to your local community and engage them effectively. You can also promote local events and product launches in your geographical area with social media.

The main benefit that social media platforms offer is the connection between brands and customers. SMride can harness the power of social media channels to:

  • Bring more people to your business;
  • Boosting sales;
  • Connect with new audiences;
  • Reaching untapped markets; and
  • Brand awareness

Contact Us Today to Learn More

Ready to take your online presence to the next level? Contact SMride Marketing Agency today to learn more about our customized SEO services and content writing. We look forward to helping you achieve your business goals and grow your online presence.

Why social media management is important.

Social Media Management is a little more strategic than simply replying to tweets and commenting. It involves more than simple posts on Facebook or liking and commenting. It includes other important factors such as SEO, SEM, PPC, etc. Your digital marketing strategy is concerned with how you’ll position yourself online to generate more business by building awareness, generating leads and sales. Social Media Strategy is concerned with using social media platforms to build your brand awareness and generate sales and leads.

Social media management is an important part of your social media strategy because it helps explain how your brand will participate on social media platforms to create results. Social Media Management, in essence, involves creating, publishing, promoting, and managing content across social networks, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest. It also includes engaging your audience and looking for ways to increase reach and visibility through social media.

Yes, of course, you can. When it comes to social media management, you have two options. You can handle them yourself (or in-house) or outsource them to a digital agency. While there are some pros to keeping your social media management in-house, it can be quite a complicated process. This is why most businesses prefer to outsource their social media ads to a talented and experienced agency.

Hiring an agency means hiring professionals that are available to start working for you right away. In contrast, hiring in-house can take months, if not years, and even then, there’s no guarantee that your employees will stick around for the long term. Salaries for this type of talent do not come cheaply, and you’ll need at least 2-3 people in the team to execute all the aspects of your social media correctly. In fact, we find that businesses can save up to 40%-50% by hiring an agency to develop, manage, and execute their social media instead of handling it in-house.

Social media management involves creating and distributing content on social media platforms and overseeing the engagement with your audience. Using your social accounts intentionally and authentically means that you are employing social media management.

Social media marketing means using your social media accounts to market and grow your business. It focuses more on the use of social media accounts and creating and executing a strategy to generate leads for your business by leveraging your presence on social media. Remember, with social media marketing, you are creating and publishing content with a specific purpose to engage your audience and eventually convert them to paying customers.

With most of the world using social media, it is super important to get your social media in order. There is no better way than to address the main components of social media management in your social media strategy. There are six components in social media management. There are Channel Selection & Management, Community Management, User Engagement, Content Marketing, Amplification of Content, Lead Generation, Online Reputation Management (ORM), and Social Media Analytics.

Social Media Analytics in recent years has become a key focus area. Social Media Analytics Tools can provide a plethora of valuable information on a brand’s customers, prospects, products, and competitors. These tools can enable businesses to apply real-time social media monitoring that provides on-time insights that can be used to optimize social campaigns on the fly. As you can imagine, this will keep your audience engaged constantly.

All businesses need a social media presence, including yours! This is the case if you run a small local shop or a big enterprise. Social media is an essential piece of your business marketing strategy. Social media, on its own, is not enough to drive business growth. Social media will connect with your customers, increase awareness about your brand and its products, and boost your leads and sales. That, however, is only part of the story. It would help if you started with an always-on mindset and a solid content marketing strategy. This is where we can also help you excel.

To remind you, more than three billion people worldwide are using social media every month. Users and engagement on major platforms just keep increasing. If you and your brand are not taking part in social media, you are missing out on immense business growth potential from consumers who habitually log on to it daily. Getting social media to work for your business and add to the bottom line will present some challenges. This is because it’s an ever-changing space that is extremely noisy and crowded. Not to fear, reach out to our digital strategists, who can help you on the path to social media success.

There are no hard or set rules for how much to spend on social media management or for social media marketing in particular. What we can tell you is that there are some general guidelines and benchmarks backed by surveys and research. As social media is generally seen as part of marketing, a recent 2021 CMO Survey noted that the percentage of marketing budget businesses allocate to social media is as follows, B2B Product: 14.7%, B2B Services: 18.3%, B2C Product: 21.8%, and B2C Services: 18.7%.

This report also noted that marketing budgets allocated to social media could also vary by sector: Consumer services: 28.5%, Communications and media: 25.6%, and Banking and finance: 11.7%. We highly recommend that you use these averages as benchmarks. Remember to tailor your overall social media spend for social media management and marketing. It can be further refined (and should be) around your goals and resources.

Social Media Management

Paid and organic social are very different and best used for different goals. It is very common to use a holistic approach and use both in your social media execution. Let’s get started with organic social media that refers to the free content (posts, photos, video, etc.) that all users, including businesses and brands, share on their feeds. Organic social can be used by brands to establish their personality, build relationships through sharing informative, entertaining, and inspiring content, and engage customers at every stage of their buying journey.

As we mentioned above, there is a lot of competition regarding organic social. Declining organic reach is well known as the world’s biggest social media platforms reach saturation, attention spans shorten, and platforms prioritize best user experiences. This is where paid social comes to the fore. Paid social media is another way of saying social media advertising. Here you and your brand pay money to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc., to share your content with specific new targetted audiences who are likely to be interested in your business.

Posting your brand posts in an ad-hoc and haphazard will surely lead you to a road of despair. You will be burning money and wasting time and resources. It takes careful planning to generate your brand awareness and build a loyal and engaged audience base that wants to pay for your product or service.

This is where an effective social media workflow comes in. A social media workflow is a consistent process for publishing posts to social media. Right from ideating to gathering and repurposing content, to engaging with your audience, to analyzing and generating reports – your workflow should include it all. You will end up with more than a calendar of great ideas but a total system to execute your social media.

As a leading digital marketing agency, we get asked this question all the time! Is there a magic formula? Post too much, and you may inundate your fans, but not posting enough may leave you forgotten. So, when is posting too much, and how much is too little?

As a guide, we recommend posting to your Instagram feed 2-3 times per week and no more than 1x per day. Stories can be posted more frequently. For Facebook, It is generally recommended to post 1 time per day and no more than 2 times per day. With Twitter, it is generally recommended to post 1-2 times per day and no more than 3-5 times per day. On Linkedin, we recommend posting at least once a day and no more than 5x per day. If you and your marketing team need help to manage social media, reach out to one of our digital strategists. Contact us today!

It’s no secret that many small and larger businesses use social media as a marketing tool, and it’s easy to see why. There are billions of users on Social media platforms like Meta, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Trying to manage to create a cohesive social media presence that allows businesses to reach customers is critical.

There are many tools businesses can use to manage their social media, but you can also use just one tool to manage all your accounts. This will save you the time and energy to log into multiple social media accounts, write a post for each, and schedule them as needed throughout the day. Some great tools for this purpose are: Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Zoho, and Buffer. If you or your marketing team need some advice on selecting a tool, reach out to one of our highly experienced digital strategists. We’ll be more than happy to help!

The goals you set for your social media strategy will dictate the metrics you choose. For each and every goal you set, you need a related metric. This will help you determine if your social media strategy is on track. You cannot go without social media metrics; they prove how successful your social strategy is going. These metrics keep you aware of general social profile and brand health.
What metrics to track, then? Say your social media goal is to increase conversions from those who visit your site via social media posts. To measure this, you can look at the social traffic and conversion rate metric from those posts in your web analytics. One commonly looked at metric is engagement rate. This tracks how actively involved with your content your audience is. Consumers engage with brands’ content through interactions such as “likes,” comments, and social sharing. Good engagement rates will indicate audience health, meaning that your audience is responsive and real. There are so many more social media management metrics that you can track. We highly recommend this list from Hootsuite that can help you get started.

Hashtags are very important for social media. Hashtags are a crucial component of almost every social media platform. Hashtags originally started on Twitter make it easy for users to find the information or content they’re looking for.

Posting posts with no hashtags isn’t enough for potential fans or clients to find you. You can’t just use any hashtag; you must find relevant hashtags for your business or niche. Doing so will expand your reach to potential clients and will help increase your engagement. Research and testing are essential components of using hashtags to ensure those hashtags are actually working for you.