Unlocking the Power of YouTube Advertising From Engagement to Conversion by Creating Compelling Video Ads.

  • Build Brand Awareness
  • Increase Conversions
  • Customised Ads for Maximum Results

YouTube Ads

Skyrocket your conversions with YouTube Marketing

Videos can capture the imagination unlike any other form of media. With more than 3 billion searches per month, YouTube is the leading video search engine and the second overall behind Google. Marketers who are looking for a cost-effective and scalable solution to boost their conversions use video marketing advertisements. YouTube ads have the potential to reach and engage with your target audience unlike any other form of marketing. 

From new product announcements to driving more traffic, increasing sales to enhancing brand awareness, video marketing can be tailored to suit any objective and budget. A well executed video strategy can amplify the right kind of message to your audience for greater customer engagement.

Features of our YouTube Marketing Services

Globally, Facebook and YouTube users watch billions of videos everyday. If you are not telling your brand story to them through video ads, your competitors certainly are. 

YouTube marketing offers a wide outreach with a low cost per 1000 impressions, and you only have to pay if someone watches your video for at least 30 seconds or engages with it. 

Here are some features of our YouTube ad services:

Targeted Outreach

Not every online user is a customer of your brand. Our YouTube ad campaigns are laser-focused to target the ideal prospects who are most likely to convert for your brand.

SEO-Optimised Videos

By employing keyword rich content that satisfies user intent, we create SEO-friendly videos so that your ads can be easily found online by your audience for greater brand visibility.

Data-driven Approach

All your ad videos will be made with real-time data on user behaviour and sure-shot conversion tactics. 

We employ and review performance analytics to ensure your marketing campaign’s success.

Ads with Targeted USP

The most impactful videos churn conversions by presenting an idea to the audience of how your products and services can solve a problem in their lives. That is your USP. 

At SMride, we focus on the value proposition of each campaign. We try to understand the value your business will provide to customers before creating your ad videos.

Engaging Content

SMride knows what it takes to create engaging and creative video content that drives your prospects into action. With the right information and website placement, we tailor your ad campaigns to suit your target audience. 

How we Create Stellar Ad Campaigns?

How we Create Stellar Ad Campaigns?

With extensive experience in online marketing, we know what it takes to connect a brand with its target audience. Our YouTube ad campaigns include:

  • Thorough background research of your industry, competitors, and customers;
  • Strategy for video length, placement, and call-to-action;
  • Identifying relevant audiences;
  • Selecting the best ad format;
  • Creating separate ad groups to manage cost-per-click;
  • Conversion tracking and optimisation;
  • Campaign optimisation 
  • Landing page optimisation
  • Regular reporting 

Choose an Agency that Understands YouTube Marketing

Your customers will only choose your business in the long haul if they feel emotionally connected to your brand. SMride has a team that knows how to create stunning video ads that captivate and engage with your audience on a different level. 

Other Google Services Offered By Us

Google Shopping Ads

Give your sales a boost by showcasing your products directly to customers who are searching for it on Google.

Google Display Ads

Google’s Display Advertisements are viewed by 90% of online users worldwide. That number runs in billions.

Google Search Ads

Google search ads are a form of online advertising that promotes the products or services of a business on search results

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An overview of YouTube Ads.

YouTube ads are advertisements that appear on the site. Depending on the ads’ style, placement, and general strategy, they may be text, video, or picture adverts. Some YouTube advertising is prominent; after all, we’ve all seen the ones that play before our videos, right? However, other YouTube advertising formats, such as Overlay Ads and Sponsored Cards, are more carefully designed.
YouTube advertisements are a fantastic current marketing strategy, not just a tool. With only a few button clicks, YouTube Ads allow you to instantly put your company in front of millions of potential clients. YouTube advertising provides your company with a fantastic opportunity to expand at scale, regardless of whether your aim is brand exposure, lead generation, or straight-up sales. Your campaign may need some time to optimize, but it can be effective once running.

There are six different sorts of YouTube adverts as of this writing, though this is subject to change. Trueview advertisements, in-stream bumper commercials that can’t be skipped, sponsored ad cards, overlay ads, and display advertisements. Each of these advertisements has a particular strategy that must be used, and it has advantages and disadvantages of its own. The needs and KPIs of your company will determine the ideal YouTube advertising approach, in our opinion.
Despite this, Trueview Ads are unquestionably the most well-liked YouTube ad format. Instream Ads and Discovery Ads are two different forms of Trueview advertisements. The skippable video ads that appear before the user’s video starts are known as “instream ads,” they are incredibly effective. These advertisements are low-risk, economical, and benefit your company greatly. Trueview Discovery Ads are displayed in YouTube’s organic results and the right-hand sidebar above the list of suggested films.

Youtube ads can be found anywhere. The most frequently seen area is before, during, or after the user attempts to watch a video. These commercials are classified as Trueview Instream and Non-Skippable Video Ads and are both video ads. If set up correctly, advertisements that appear before, during, or after the user’s current video can be compelling. Additionally, using Trueview Instream Ads, you only pay if the user sees your video advertisement for at least 30 seconds.
The different ad types on the YouTube website and app can be seen in several locations. YouTube Display Ads are above the video suggestion list and to the right of the highlighted video. The translucent adverts appearing on the bottom 20% of a featured video are YouTube Overlay adverts. Only for videos longer than 15 minutes, YouTube Midroll Ads are advertisements displayed within the featured video. Finally, YouTube Sponsored Cards appear in a highlighted video’s upper right corner.

The advantage of YouTube ads is always business growth, regardless of their size or shape. There’s a reason YouTube generated over $19 billion in advertising revenue in 2020: its advertisements are effective. All types of organizations, from those just getting started to those established and seeking significant growth, can benefit from using YouTube ads. You must ensure that your campaign is appropriately carried out.
The advantages of YouTube advertisements can be substantial and immediately apparent if your campaign is executed correctly. YouTube advertisements are also reasonably risk-free and affordable. This is so that you only have to pay when someone clicks on or engages with your advertising, depending on the type of advertisement. To maximize your ROI, it is essential to understand how the various forms of adverts operate entirely.

There are numerous ways that YouTube advertising functions. It just depends on the kind of advertising you choose. When using Trueview Instream Ads, undoubtedly the most popular option, you pay YouTube whenever a viewer watches your advertisement for at least 30 seconds. If the viewer chooses to “skip” the ad, you don’t pay anything.
Businesses like yours will benefit significantly from this configuration. It means that you only have to pay for users who genuinely show an interest in the video ads you are running. What happens if a user clicks the “skip” button? You didn’t have to spend money to leave an impression on them. Other YouTube advertisements frequently operate on a CPC (cost per click) basis, which means you only pay if a user clicks or interacts with the actual ad.

Again, there are certainly some similarities between YouTube ads and Google Search Ads, but they are pretty unique and different in their own ways. While YouTube is a part of Google, YouTube Ads tend to be very video-heavy. Also, YouTube ads can have a cheaper CPC (cost per click) than Google Search Ads – depending on your niche or your industry.

In contrast, Google Search Ads are the ads that pop up at the top of Google Search Results (usually labelled as an ‘Ad’). Google Search Ads can be extremely powerful because you can target keywords your customer base is searching for. The most significant difference between Google Search Ads and YouTube ads is that Google Search Ads are text-only ads. There are no video or photo options, meaning the copy for the ads needs to be really amazing to generate clicks. It should be noted that neither platform is better than the other – it just depends on the goals and KPIs of your business.

How YouTube Ads Can Help your Business.

Every type! YouTube ads are a proven way to increase brand awareness, generate leads, retarget prospects, influence the buyer decision, improve sales, and increase the lifetime value of your customers. If your business wants any of those things, then you should greatly consider investing in YouTube ads. Having said that, with so many digital marketing channels available, it’s wise to consider if YouTube ads are the ideal digital strategy for your business at this point in time.

To do this, you need to evaluate the pros and cons of YouTube ads and see if they are aligned with your company’s current goals. If you want to increase your brand awareness, have a moderate budget, and have well-produced video footage ready to be used, then YouTube ads will be hard to beat. Be sure to speak with a Digital Strategist to ensure that YouTube ads are the best option for your business at this point in time.

Both skippable and non-skippable YouTube ads can be effective, but each is typically better suited for different strategies. Non-skippable ads are ads that are 15-20 seconds in length and cannot be skipped over. These ads can be controversial as users complain they are too aggressive, and because the audience must watch them, they are more expensive. That said, non-skippable ads can be very effective and are usually recommended when your primary goal is to raise awareness for your brand.

As the name suggests, Skippable Ads do not need to be watched in their entirety – after the viewer watches 5 seconds of your ad, they have the option to click the ‘Skip’ button. These ads are typically considered less aggressive, and they are cheaper as you do not have to pay for them unless the viewer watches 30 seconds of your video. Because of all these factors, Skippable Ads are often considered more ideal for lead generation or reach.

If you want your YouTube video ad to be great and perform well, you need to nail two things – the creative and data elements. First, you need to make sure your ad is attention-grabbing, interesting, and that it clearly communicates the message/story of your brand. Failure to do this will result in your target audience hitting the ‘Skip’ button exactly at 5.01, the second mark.

The second part of having a great YouTube Video Ad is ensuring it is executed correctly. This means whoever is running the campaign understands how to set the ads up, how to optimize them for success, and most importantly, how to evaluate the data they get to make the necessary tweaks to achieve the maximum return on investment. This is why it’s important to work with a YouTube ads expert who has experience running and optimizing campaigns in multiple industries.

First thing is first – you need to ensure that YouTube Ads are the right strategy for your business at this point in time. If you are sure of that and are ready to proceed with a video advertisement, here are the steps. You will upload your video to your YouTube account and fill out all the necessary information – this includes the title, description, tags, and other categories.

From there, you will want to create a new campaign in Google Ads. To do this, login to your account, click on the ‘All Campaigns’ button in the top left-hand corner, then click ‘Video’. Next, you will need to select the type of goal for your campaign. You will have many options, including leads, website traffic, brand awareness, and more. You must set up your campaign correctly to ensure it is optimized to its fullest potential.

If there is anything that YouTube Ads excel at – it would be brand awareness. This is for a few reasons. First off, video as a medium makes a very powerful impression. As opposed to text ads (like Google Search Ads), video ads will allow you to visually tell your brand’s story in ways that other mediums frankly can’t compete with. If you have video content that is interesting, attention-grabbing, and well-produced, the likelihood of making a great first impression is even higher.

Another reason YouTube ads are great for brand awareness is scalability. Sure, a video ad can be powerful, but what good is it if it can only be shown to a few people? YouTube’s powerful targeting options allow you to reach your exact target audience and scale that to any part of the world you think potential customers might be. These factors combined are why YouTube Ads are extremely powerful for building brand awareness.

YouTube Ads give you the option to retarget potential customers, which can be a compelling way to drive sales. The first way to retarget is by video viewers. Simply put, if someone watches your video, you can retarget them to watch the same video or to lead them further down your funnel with a different video. You will need someone to have watched 30 seconds of your video or longer to be able to retarget them (as opposed to Facebook, which the person only needs to watch for 3 seconds).

The second retargeting option is by engagement, which means if anyone adds your video to a playlist, likes a video, leaves a comment, or subscribes to your channel. The third retargeting option is through your email subscribers, which must be manually uploaded via a CSV file. Finally, you can also retarget viewers based on Adword pixel on your mobile app or website. Retargeting is one of the most effective ways to influence the buyer decision – each retargeting option is uniquely powerful in its own way.